Artificer - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Capture Specialist, 17 DEX
Cross-class Prerequisite:
- Martial Artist, 16 DEX, 12 INT
- Fashion Designer, 14 DEX
- Researcher, 14 DEX
Ability Bonus: +1 DEX
Base Features
Type Booster
Effect: You create a Type Booster that improves the power of any single Type of your choice. Name the item whatever you’d like. Pokemon add their STAB value to attacks of the chosen type. It costs 800 to use Type Booster.
Effect: Over 10 hours, which need not be spent consecutively, you create a Weapon. The Weapon is created with a level equal to your Trainer Level plus Xd6, where X is your DEX modifier, up to a maximum of level 100. The weapon will deal additional damage on an attack equal to the STAB bonus of a Pokemon of its level. Additionally, you may include up to two Crafting Materials into a single weapon. It costs 1500 to use Weaponsmith.
The Artificer is an inventive Capture Specialist who creates items for Pokemon to hold, or use in battle. They ensure their Pokemon an extra boost in power, or a special consumable that can heal Pokemon in different situations. From Weapons to their allies, to Stat Boosters for their Pokemon, the Artificer is sure to help any party.
Class Features
Apprentice Craftsman
Prerequisites: Artificer
Target: Items
Effect: Light Clay (2500), Quick Claw (2800), Flame Orb (3200), or Toxic Orb (3200).
Elemental Armaments
Prerequisites: Artificer, 18 DEX
Effect: You may use any Non-Plate Type Booster as a crafting Material for Weaponsmith. This will cause the Weapon to deal Elemental damage matching that of the Type-Booster used, but will lower the Weapon's default Damage Base by 1. You may include only a single Type Booster into a Weapon.
Expert Craftsman
Prerequisites: Artificer, Apprentice Craftsman
Effect: Create a Bright Powder (4000), Expert Belt (4000), Shell Bell (3500), or Wide Lens (3500).
Flute Smith
Prerequisites: Artificer
Target: Items
Effect: Choose Confusion, Infatuation, or Sleep. You create a flute that, when used, cures the chosen Status on all Pokemon or Trainers within 3 meters. A flute may only be activated once per day. It costs 550 to use Flute Smith.
Incense Maker
Prerequisites: Artificer, 16 DEX
Target: Items.
Effect: Create a Full Incense, Lax Incense, or Luck Incense. It costs 1200 to use Incense Maker.
Keepsake Builder
Prerequisites: Artificer, evolved a pokemon that used a held item to evolve
Target: Items.
Effect: Create an Item that does nothing in battle, but it can serve as a replacement for a pokemon’s requirement to evolve if they would need a held item. The item can be named whatever you’d like. Like all other held items that influence evolution, the item disappears after the pokemon evolves. It costs 500 to use the Keepsake Builder Feature.
Master Craftsman
Prerequisites: Artificer, Expert Craftsman, 20 DEX
Target: Items
Effect: Create a Focus Band (4500), Focus Sash (4800), or Life Orb (5500).
Protection Charm
Prerequisites: Artificer
Effect: You create a Charm that, when activated, grants the trainer wearing it a Pokemon Ability for X hours, where X is your DEX modifier at the time the Charm was created. The Charm may not be activated for another 24 hours. The ability granted depends on the Item used to craft the Charm, as detailed below. The required Item is destroyed after using Ability Charm. A person may benefit from only a single charm on any given day.
- Razor Claw: Battle Armor - Metal Coat: Immunity
- King's Rock: Inner Focus - Electririzer: Limber
- Magmarizer: Magma Armor - Oval Stone: Oblivious
- Reaper Cloth: Own Tempo - Protector: Sturdy
- Dragon Scale: Vital Spirit - Deepseascale/Deepseatooth: Water Veil
Stat Boosters
Prerequisites: Artificer
Target: Items
Effect: Choose between Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense or Speed. You create a Held Item that, when released from a Poke Ball, the holder’s chosen Stat is raised 1 Combat Stage. Name the Item whatever you’d like. It costs 1000 to use the Stat Boosters Feature.
Prerequisites: Artificer, Weaponsmith
Effect: You may use the listed Stones as crafting Materials for Weaponsmith. Once Daily, on a roll of 16-20 on an Arms Attack using the weapon, you may activate the Stone as a Free Action to cause its listed effect to the attack's target. Only the first target is affected if there are multiple targets due to a Feature.
- Fire Stone: Burn - Shiny Stone: Critical Hit - Water Stone: Confusion
- Leaf Stone: Poison - Thunderstone: Paralyze - Everstone: The target's defense is lowered by 1 CS
Stonesmith +
Prerequisites: Artificer, Stonesmith
Effect: You may use the listed Stones as crafting Materials for Weaponsmith. Once Daily, you may activate the Stone's effect.
- Dawn: You may activate to use an Arm Attack against an adjacent target as an Interrupt, but lower the Damage Base of your attack by 2.
- Dusk: You may activate on a critical hit to have the Sniper ability for that attack.
- Moon: You may activate when declaring an Arms Attack to ignore all Evasion on the target, and bypass Protect or Detect.
- Sun: You may activate when you hit with an arms attack to deal Special damage rather than Physical damage.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features