Bodysnatcher - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Mystic, Mystic Veil
Cross-class Prerequisites:
- Detective, 20 WIS, Master of Disguise, Lie Detector
Ability Bonus: +1 WIS
Base Features
At-Will - Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
Target: A Trainer.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your WIS modifier. If your roll exceeds the target’s Wisdom or Constitution score, whichever is lowest, you successfully Imitate the target. While Imitating a target, your physical body changes to look exactly like the target. Your voice, fingerprints, height, and weight all match the target’s exactly. You have a natural insight as to their general demeanor, ways of talking, ect. and can match them near perfectly. Your aura, however, remains as your own. For the next 24 hours, or until you sleep or become unconscious, you have access to that Imitation. You may freely switch between your own form and the form of any imitation to which you have access as a trainer action. For every time you use this feature per day past the first use on any day, lower your Max HP by 10 as long as you maintain access to that Imitation. You may, during your turn, give up access to any Imitation as a free action.
Talent Theft
Trigger: You Imitate a trainer.
Effect: Choose a Feature on the Trainer’s Feature List. This is considered a Borrowed Feature. For the next 24 hours, as long as you maintain access to their Imitation and are physically in their form, you may perform this feature at its normal frequency, or gain its benefits if it is a static feature. You may only Borrow a single feature from any one single source at a time. You may not use Talent Theft to borrow a One-Time-Use feature.
After discovering their power to connect with nature, some Mystics learn how to practice their magic powers on other humans. While connecting to another person’s body they can imitate it and act out in several manners which they may never consider while in their real bodies, or lend their courage to their ally who could never do something they were afraid to do. The impact for a Body Snatcher’s life may not be noticeable, but it could ruin or save the Bodysnatched.
Class Features
A Little Like You
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: You Imitate a Trainer.
Effect: When you Imitate a Trainer, you may use A Little Like You. Choose a Trainer Stat. If the person you are Imitating has a higher Modifier than you in that Stat, your Stat Modifier of the Stat you chose is equal to the Possessed person’s Stat Modifier - 1 as long as you maintain access to their Imitation. This does not change the value of your Stats, only Stat Modifier.
Generic Form
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher, 24 Wis
Effect: You are able to change the appearance your entire body at a whim. You change to the gender, hair-color, height, weight, build, and skin tone of your choice. However, you are unable to significantly specify body features and facial structure, with the end result always looking somewhat generic. You are not able to transform to look like anyone in particular, and any attempts to do so will usually be recognizably and unusually off.
I Like Your Bod
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher, Just a Little Longer
Target: A Trainer whose Imitation you have had access to for at least 72 hours
Effect: You create a Body Link link with that trainer. You may give up a Body Link during your turn as a free action. As long as you have acces to a Body Link, you may attempt to Imitate that target, regardless of distance or line of sight. You may only have one Body Link at a time, plus one more for every 25 trainer levels gained. In addition, you may use Here In Spirit on a trainer with whom you have a Body Link, regardless of distance.
It’s Still Mine
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher
Effect: Choose a feature you are currently Borrowing. For the next 10 minutes, no one may use that Feature if they are within 10m of you, except yourself. At the end of this time, you stop Borrowing the feature and lose further access to it.
Just a Little Longer
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher, 3 Body Snatcher Features
Effect: You no longer lose access to an Imitation due to sleep or unconsciousness. You still lose access to an Imitation after 24 hours are up, unless you lower your Max HP by 10 for as long as you choose to maintain access. If you do, you maintain access to that Imitation for another 24 hours. Maintaining access to an Imitation does not count as performing an Imitation, meaning you may not perform features that trigger upon Imitating a target.
Morphic Control
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher
Effect: When you use Impostor to Imitate a target, you may retain your curent form if you wish to, instead of taking the target's form. The Imitation is in all other ways normal, and you still gain access to the Imitation for later use.
Perfect Impostor
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher, 3 Body Snatcher Features
Effect: When you Imitate a target, you are able to successfully visually replicate gear and clothing. These are not illusions; these are actual physical replicas However, these replicas do not have any special features that the actual gear or clothing may have, and all useable items do not actually work. For example, you may replicate a potion around their belt, but the potion would have no effect if used. When imitating a target, you are able to successfully mask your aura to appear to be the same as your target’s.
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher, 24 WIS
Effect: Whenever you target an Allied Trainer with Impostor, you automatically pass your check, and you do not lose any HP in order ot use Impostor. Additionally, you may access up to three imitations per day before you must lower your maximum HP.
Talent Mixer
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher, 5 Body Snatcher Features
Effect: When in your own form or any Imitated form, you may use and apply any Borrowed Features to which you currently have access.
Talent Sponge
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher, Talent Theft, used 3 Features that were not your own
Effect: You may use Talent Theft up to three times per day. You may still only Borrow a single feature from any one single source at a time.
Voice Snatcher
Prerequisites: Body Snatcher
At-Will - Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
Trigger: You Imitate a trainer.
Effect: You make a vocal imprint of the target’s voice. Once you have this imprint, at anytime while you are in your own form or the form of any Imitation, you may use the person’s voice. You may collect as many voices as you’d like with Voice Snatcher.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features