Breeder - Base Class Feature
Prerequisites: 13 CHA, 13 WIS
Bonuses: +1 CHA +1 WIS
Penalties: -2 DEX
Base Features
Egg Factory
Effect: You may make up to 7 different Breeding Checks per day, and the check for Breeding is 35 instead of 25. Subtract your CHA or WIS mod from the breeding check. Your Pokemon must still have at least 4 hours together. You can identify what pokemon will hatch from an Egg.
Natural Edge
Target: A hatching egg you own.
Effect: Add half of your CHA modifier to any of the pokemon’s base stat and add half of your WIS modifier to any different base stat of the same pokemon. This becomes your pokemon’s new base stats. A Pokemon may only have one Natural Edge or Natural Edge + applied to it when it hatches. This bonus may not exceed +6 in either stat.
Some trainers realize the value of raising a pokemon from a young age in order to build a better bond with their allies and friends. Breeders emphasize the importance of raising a pokemon from birth, not as a friend, but as their own children. Breeders hatch eggs very quickly and can actually coerce their pokemon to produce multiple eggs. The most noticeable talent a breeder shows is the fact that their pokemon are
naturally born with more power then the average pokemon. Some even grow more powerful then any other in its species. Their pokemon are born with the courage and strength to pull them through any situation.
Class Features
Prerequisites: Breeder, 20 CHA, 18 WIS
Target: Two pokemon who are compatible for breeding.
Effect: Give the targets at least 8 hours of time alone, they will be guaranteed to produce an egg.
Egg Hatcher
Prerequisites: Breeder
Target: Eggs in the possession of the Breeder.
Effect: Eggs hatch at ¾ of the rate they usually would.
Egg Hatcher +
Prerequisites: Breeder, Egg Hatcher, 18 CHA
Target: Eggs in the possession of the Breeder.
Effect: Eggs hatch at ½ of the rate they usually would. The Feature replaces Egg Hatcher.
Head Start
Prerequisites: Breeder
Target: A hatching egg.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your Charisma mod. If the result is 15 or greater, the Pokemon learns all moves learned at or before level "X" where X equals your Charisma mod.
Home Cooking
Prerequisites: Breeder
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Effect: Roll 1d4 and add your WIS modifier. The total represents the amount of food portions you make for humans and or Pokemon, feeding them for the whole day. Pokemon that eat your food have their mood towards you slightly increased. You know what dietary needs a Pokemon has.
I'll Take Good Care Of It
Prerequisites: Breeder, 20 CHA
Target: A non-hostile Female Wild Pokemon with eggs.
Effect: Roll 1d100 and subtract your charisma modifier. If you rolled lower than the target’s base capture rate, you may receive an egg from the target Pokemon. This roll can be modified by your GM depending on its mood towards you. If you fail, the target may become hostile.
Latent Potential
Prerequisites: Breeder, 18 WIS
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A Pokemon who is leveling up to a level evenly divisible by 5.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your Wisdom Modifier. If the total exceeds 15, the pokemon learns a move from its tutor list marked in bold, or any move on its level-up list at a level lower than their current level.
Prerequisites: Breeder, 17 WIS, a Pokemon who has helped to make at least 2 eggs
Target: Pokemon who are breeding.
Effect: Roll 1d4. The roll represents how many eggs are produced after breeding if the breeding was successful. This number may not be modified.
Litters +
Prerequisites: Breeder, Litters, a Pokemon who has produced at least 3 eggs at once.
Target: Pokemon who are breeding.
Effect: Roll 1d6 and add 1. The roll represents how many eggs are produced after breeding if the breeding was successful. This number may not be modified.
Natural Edge +
Prerequisites: Breeder, 20 WIS, 22 CHA
Target: A hatching egg.
Effect: Add your CHA modifier to any of the Pokemon’s base stat and add your WIS modifier to any different base stat of the same Pokemon. This becomes your Pokemon’s new base stats. A Pokemon may only have one Natural Edge or Natural Edge + applied to it when it hatches. Neither bonus may exceed +6. This Feature replaces Natural Edge.
Natural Progression
Prerequisites: Breeder, 18 CHA
Trigger: A pokemon you own levels up to a level evenly divisible by 5
Effect: The target pokemon gains +1 to two different base stats. The chosen stats must remain the same each time this feature is applied, and the cumulative bonus cannot exceed the limit of your Natural Edge/+ features. If this is used on a Pokemon with Natural Edge/+ applied, the same stats must be chosen and the combination of the two feats still may not exceed the limit. This feature is not retroactive.
Never Would Have Happened
Prerequisites: Breeder, 8 Breeder Features
Target: 2 opposite gendered Pokemon who aren’t in the same egg group.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your WIS and CHA modifiers. If the total is higher then 22, they are allowed to breed but must still make a Breeding Check to see if an egg is produced.
Tender Loving Care
Prerequisites: Breeder
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A pokemon.
Effect:Roll 1d20 and Add your WIS or CHA Modifier. Heal the target this much HP. You may also spend a use of this feature to heal a number of Pokemon equal to your WIS or CHA modifier to their full HP and cure them of any status afflictions after an 8 hour rest. Center Frequency moves are not restored by this.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features