Most Capabilities are very simple to understand. Except for the Basic Capabilities, each Capability is listed with a paragraph following, that explains exactly how that Capability affects the pokemon who has it. Other then that, some Capabilities are paired with a Capability Type, which is paired purely for the ranger class, who draws on specific aspects of nature when looking for specific talents for their job.
However, Basic Capabilities are slightly more complicated. That is because each pokemon in the Pokedex has Basic Capabilities. Paired with each Basic Capability in the pokedex entries are values which can be matched to the Capability listing that follows in order to define the level of aptitude a pokemon has in a particular field. In the Basic Capabilities, you will see a Capability Type, Speed, that is defined for various purposes referenced throughout the game such as Moves that modify a pokemon’s Speed Stat or an Ability which modifies a Speed Stat. There are several reasons to keep track of the Basic Capabilities so it is best to make note of the value and meaning of the Basic Capabilities your pokemon has. Use the pokemon character sheet to do so. Some Features in Coach and Rider can modify Speed Capabilities; as a short note, there is no limit as to how high Speed Capabilities can be.
Basic Capabilities
Burrow - Speed Capability
Burrow is a Speed Capability that defines how quickly the Pokemon can move underground. After the word Burrow, in the Capabilities listing, a number should be listed. The number paired with the Burrow Keyword corresponds with a value representing how many spaces/meters the Pokemon can Shift during a round of combat underground. The holes dug are only as large as the Pokemon who burrows. While Burrowing the Pokemon has knowledge of its underground surroundings up to X meters away, where X is its Burrow value. If a Pokemon learns the Move Dig and does not have the Burrow Capability, they gain Burrow 3. If they already have the Burrow Capability, the Burrow value is raised 3.
The Intelligence Capability is paired with a number from 1 to 7 that defines the Pokemon’s competence when it comes to simple thought. The Intelligence is an average expectancy of all members of that Pokemon’s species. The smarter the Pokemon is, the easier it is to act on their own accord if you can’t command them. This also means that the Species of Pokemon is more competent in the wild and a greater threat to the average Trainer.
The Jump Capability is paired with a number from 1 to 10 that states the max height the Pokemon can jump into the air in a single bound. If your Pokemon utilizes their Jump Capability during a round of an encounter, it counts as their Shift for that round. Keep in mind you don’t have to jump straight upwards. If a Pokemon learns the Move Bounce their Jump value is raised 1.
Overland - Speed Capability
Overland is a Speed Capability that defines how quickly the Pokemon moves while on dry land. After the word Overland, in the Capabilities listing, a number should be listed. The number paired with the Overland Keyword corresponds with a value representing how many spaces/meters the Pokemon can Shift during a round of combat.
Power represents a Pokemon’s strength. Next to Power in the Pokemon’s Capability listing is a number from 1 to 10 that corresponds to a weight that the Pokemon should be able to lift. The weight given is an average, depending on how well trained your Pokemon is, they may be able to lift more then the average. Based on how much they can lifts you should be able to guess at how much they can push, or how much force they can put into their strikes. If a Pokemon learns the Move Strength their Power value is raised 1.
Sky - Speed Capability
Sky is a Speed Capability that defines how quickly the Pokemon moves while flying, floating or levitating. After the word Sky, in the Capabilities listing, a number should be listed. The number paired with the Sky Keyword corresponds with a value representing how many spaces/meters the Pokemon can Shift during a round of combat in the air. If a Pokemon has the keyword Sky, it can propel itself of the ground for at least 5 minutes off the ground at a time. If a Pokemon learns the Move Fly and does not have the Sky Capability, they gain Sky 4. If they already have the Sky Capability, the Sky value is raised 4.
Surface - Speed Capability
Surface is a Speed Capability that defines how quickly the Pokemon moves while on the surface of water to the Pokemon’s height below the surface of the water. After the word Surface, in the Capabilities listing, a number should be listed. The number paired with the Surface Keyword corresponds with a value representing how many spaces/meters the Pokemon can Shift during a round of combat. If a Pokemon learns the Move Surf and does not have the Surface Capability, they gain Surface 4. If they already have the Surface Capability, the Surface value is raised 4. If the Pokemon had the Sinker Capability before learning Surf, they lose their Sinker Capability.
Underwater - Speed Capability
Underwater is a Speed Capability that defines how quickly the Pokemon can move underwater. After the word Underwater, in the Capabilities listing, a number from should be listed. The number paired with the Underwater Keyword corresponds with a value representing how many spaces/meters the Pokemon can Shift during a round of combat underwater. If the Pokemon does not have the Gilled capability, they must surface at least once every 4 rounds no matter how high their Underwater capability’s value is. If a Pokemon learns the Move Dive and does not have the Underwater Capability, they gain Underwater 3. If they already have the Underwater Capability, the Underwater value is raised 3.
Other Capabilities
Alluring - Plant
Pokemon who are Alluring smell very pleasant. They may attract wild Pokemon easily. Attention is commonly turned toward fragrant, Alluring Pokemon by wilds. If a Pokemon learns the Move Sweet Scent and does not have the Alluring Capability, they gain Alluring.
Amorphous Pokemon have an inconsistent shape. They can flatten and reform themselves like water. They can stretch out their body material and condense themselves as well. By doing this, a Pokemon can access places others couldn’t, or bypass a door or two, only to let their non-Amorphous friends in afterwards.
Aura - Psionic
Pokemon who can use Aura are blessed with a great power. Pokemon who can use Aura can project their thoughts to Pokemon and Humans. Pokemon with the Aura Capability can also read a person’s Aura, but cannot read a person’s thoughts. Everything has an Aura, but not many can access their Aura. Auras can be any color. The shade of the color varies from very tinted to very darkened. If the color of the Aura is tinted, the target has little negative intentions. If the color of the Aura is very blackened, the target has many malicious intentions. An Aura’s shade can be anywhere in between. If a Pokemon learns the Move Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Force Palm, Heal Pulse, Detect or Vacuum Wave and does not have the Aura Capability, they gain Aura.
A Pokemon with Blender is an advanced Stealth user. While Shifting, unless they purposely want to, Blender Pokemon do not make any noise. Unless a Pokemon with Blender has used a Ranged Move during the current round or the round previous, Ranged Moves may not target them if the line of sight drawn goes through Rough Terrain or if the Pokemon is on Rough Terrain. Whenever a Blender is targeted by a Move, one must roll +2 during Accuracy Check to hit.
Bloom - Plant
When a Pokemon with Bloom, Cherrim, is in Sunny weather it transforms; changing its appearance from the closed bud, purple-petal form into the pink open flower form.
Chilled - Ice
A Pokemon with the Chilled Capability is always cold.
Dream Smoke
A Pokemon who has the Dream Smoke Capability can produce Dream Smoke. Dream Smoke is harvested for Dream Doctor who can manipulate a pokemon’s mind with the use of Dream Smoke and machinery. If a Pokemon learns the Move Dream Eater and does not have the Dream Smoke Capability, they gain Dream Smoke.
Egg Warmer - Fire
A pokemon with Egg Warmer may heat up an egg once per 24 hours. Roll 1d10; on a result of 1, nothing happens; on a result of 2-10, the egg’s hatch time is reduced, in hours, by the number rolled.
Firestarter - Fire
A Pokemon who has the Firestarter Capability can produce flames. They can control how lightly or powerfully they produce the fire, creates puffs of fire the size of a lighter or a large burst of fire capable on engulfing a tree. If a Pokemon learns the Move Ember, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flame Wheel or Flamethrower and does not have the Firestarter Capability, they gain Firestarter.
Fountain - Water
A Pokemon who has the Fountain Capability can produce freshwater. They can control how lightly or powerfully they produce the water, sprinkling water or forcefully shooting water with the strength of a fire hose. If a Pokemon learns the Move Water Gun, Water Pulse, Hydro Pump or Water Sport and does not have the Fountain Capability, they gain Fountain.
Archen and Archeops’ default Ability is always Defeatist.
Freezer - Ice
When a Pokemon has the Freezer Capability, they can target an area on the ground and turn it into Icy Terrain in place of their Move during their turn, EOT. A 1d20 roll determines the amount of ground turned into Icy Terrain. On a check below 5, only 1 square meter, or 1 space, is changed into Icy Terrain; on 6, up to 5 meters, 5 adjacent spaces; on 9, up to 7 square meters, 7 adjacent spaces; on 12, up to 10 square meters, 10 adjacent spaces; on 15, up to 15 square meters, 15 adjacent spaces; on 18, up to 20 square meters, 20 adjacent spaces; on 20, up to 30 square meters, 30 adjacent spaces. If a Pokemon learns the Move Aurora Beam, Blizzard, Ice Beam or Sheer Cold, and does not have the Freezer Capability, they gain Freezer.
Gilled - Water
A Gilled Pokemon can breath underwater. It never needs to come up for air and can remain underwater for as long as it wants to.
A Pokemon with the Glow Capability can emit light from a part of its body. Depending on the variety of wild Pokemon nearby, it might attract Pokemon or ward them away. If a Pokemon learns the Move Flash or Tail Glow and does not have the Glow Capability, they gain Glow.
Groundshaper - Earth
A Pokemon with the Groundshaper Capability can transform the terrain around them to create Rough Terrain or flatten out Rough Terrain to create Basic Terrain. In place of the Pokemon’s Move during their turn they can change a 1 meter radius around them, or all adjacent spaces, from Basic Earth Terrain into Rough Terrain or change Rough Terrain into Basic Earth Terrain, EOT. If a Pokemon learns the Move Earthquake or Magnitude and does not have the Groundshaper Capability, they gain Groundshaper.
Guster - Wind
The Guster can create bursts of wind. The power can vary from a light breeze to a powerful burst of air capable of lifting light objects into the air or providing lift for a chute. If a Pokemon learns the Move Gust or Tailwind and does not have the Guster Capability, they gain Guster.
Heater - Fire
A Pokemon with the Heater Capability is always warm.
Icestep - Ice
Pokemon with the Icestep Capability treat Icy or Snowy terrain as Basic Terrain.
A Pokemon with the capability Inflatable can expand its size up to 125% of its normal size. While Inflated, a Pokemon does not change its weight. To hit an Inflated Pokemon, you must roll -3 during Accuracy Check. While Inflated, a Pokemon become Blocking Terrain, you may not target through an Inflated Pokemon. If a Pokemon learns the Move Growth or Stockpile and does not have the Inflatable Capability, they gain Inflatable.
Invisibility - Psionic
Pokemon who have the Invisibility Capability can turn invisible. Pokemon may not perform Moves while invisible. While invisible, you must roll +4 during Accuracy Checks to hit the Pokemon. When a Pokemon turns invisible, they can only remain invisible for up to 4 minutes. After becoming visible, they must wait two plus the number of minutes they spent invisible before turning invisible again.
When Shuckle is holding a berry, after 24 hours of that Berry going unused, it will be juiced and stored in the Shuckle’s shell. The Berry Juice is a held item that can be taken from the shuckle and given to another pokemon. It will have all of the properties of the berry it was made from, except that any HP or PP recovery total will be doubled. If the Berry Juice item is left in the Shuckle’s shell unused for two weeks, the Berry Juice will be condensed into a Rare Candy.
Magnetic - Electric
Magnetic Pokemon can lightly manipulate magnetic fields. With this, they can repel iron and/or steel or attract iron and/or steel, holding it too their body or pushing it away. Through this magnetic manipulation, they can also feel magnetic fields and discern north. If a Pokemon learns the Move Magnet Rise or Magnet Bomb and does not have the Magnetic Capability, they gain Magnetic.
Materializer - Earth
The Materializer can form rock, normal sedimentary rock, from nothing. It can be anywhere from the size of a pebble to the size of a human sized boulder. For every 2.5 grams, or 5 pounds, of rock formed the Pokemon loses 2 HP. The Rock is formed adjacent to the Pokemon and a Pokemon can only add up to 25 grams, or 50 pounds, of rock over 1 round in place of a Move during their turn in an encounter. If a Pokemon learns the Move Rock Wrecker and does not have the Materializer Capability, they gain Materializer.
Mind Lock - Psionic
Pokemon who have the Capability Mind Lock cannot have their minds read.
Pack Mon
A Pokemon with Pack Mon instinctively belong to a rigid pack structure, and are naturally inclined to the top of that structure. Wild Pokemon that are of this pokemon’s unevolved form will instantly be considered “Helpful” to you and your group and will do tasks for the party within their power. When applied to pokemon who do not evolve, wild pokemon of the same species as your Pack Leader of at least 10 levels lower will fall under this capability. Helpful pokemon cannot be ordered to attack without reason, and if capture is attempted it will fail and the pokemon will run away. However if your Pack Leader encroaches on the territory of a pokemon of the same species within 10 levels of your Pack Leader, that wild pokemon will instantly become hostile and attack. If the Wild Pack Leader is ten levels higher than your pokemon, it will expect your pokemon to obey it, and may attack if it does not.
A Pokemon with Phasing may Shift through Hindering Terrain without their Speed Capabilities being affected. They can turn intangible and move through solid walls or other Pokemon. A Pokemon can remain intangible with Phasing for up to 30 seconds. If a Pokemon remains intangible, they may not perform Moves during their turn.
A Pokemon with Reach may make Melee attacks from up to 5 meters, or 5 spaces, away from the target. Pokemon with reach are either really large or have a stretchy limb with which they can strike foes from a distance.
A Pokemon with the capability Shrinkable can shrink its size up to 25% of its normal size. While Shrunken, a Pokemon may not perform any Moves. While Shrunken, a Pokemon does not change its weight. To hit a Shrunken Pokemon, you must roll +3 during Accuracy Check. Using Shrinkable is not the same as using the Move Minimize. If a Pokemon learns the Move Minimize and does not have the Shrinkable Capability, they gain Shrinkable.
Sinker means the Pokemon cannot swim, or move in water. For every round of an encounter the Pokemon is in water that is deep enough for them to stand submerged in, or is submerged in they lose 25% of their max HP. If the Pokemon is lowered to -100% HP, make a Deaths savings roll as usual. If a Pokemon gains a Surface or Underwater capability, they lose their Sinker Capability.
Shedinja is a unique pokemon. Its default Ability will always be Wonder Guard and Shedinja’s Max HP is always 1. You may not add to a Shedinja’s HP stat, and Shedinja may not have temporary HP. However, Shedinja never need to make a Death Saving’s Throw. Shedinja may not ever also have the Ability Solid Rock. Shedinja may not be targeted by Press On!
Sprouter - Plant
A Pokemon with the Sprouter capability can rapidly influence the growth of plants and flora around them. Over 5 seconds, a Sprouter can grow a plant 1 meter taller or wider than it currently was. Through the use of Sprouter, the Pokemon can also make plants grow up to 125% of the normal size they would become naturally. For a Pokemon to use their Sprouter ability for 10 seconds, they must sacrifice 1 HP, in place of a Move. If a Pokemon learns the Move Ingrain, Natural Gift, Nature Power, Secret Power or Synthesis and does not have the Sprouter Capability, they gain Sprouter.
A Pokemon with the Stealth Capability are excellent at approaching the enemy for an up close assault. While Shifting, unless they purposely want to, Stealth Pokemon do not make any noise. Unless a Pokemon with Stealth has used a Ranged Move during the current round or the round previous, Ranged Moves may not target them if the line of sight drawn goes through Rough Terrain or if the Pokemon is on Rough Terrain.
Telekinetic - Psionic
Telekinetic Pokemon can move objects with their mind. They can lift things that are lighter then their level multiplied by 5 pounds or 2.5 grams. They can target objects up to X meters away, where X is the pokemon’s level. If a Pokemon learns the Move Psychic or Telekinesis and does not have the Telekinetic Capability, they gain Telekinetic.
Telepath - Psionic
A Telepathic Pokemon can read the minds of people and other Pokemon.Telepathic Pokemon can project their thoughts to humans and Pokemon. The Pokemon can only read surface thoughts. The Pokemon cannot read the minds of another Pokemon whose Intelligence is two ranks below or two ranks higher than their own.
If a Pokemon has the Threaded Capability they may replace their turn’s Shift with a Threaded Shift. A Threaded Shift is when a Pokemon targets an object and shoots a strong, thin line of silk, or extends a vine from themselves, and then quickly retracts that silk, or vine, pulling itself towards the object if the Pokemon is lighter than the object or pulling the object towards the Pokemon if it is lighter then it is. The line of silk, or vine, may be up to 10 meters long. If you target another Pokemon or person with a Threaded Shift, the Accuracy Check is 6. You may still use a Move on the same turn you perform a Threaded Shift. If a Pokemon learns the Move Electro Web, Spider Web, String Shot, Vine Whip or Power Whip and does not have the Threaded Capability, they gain Threaded.
Pokemon with the Capability Tracker have a strong sense of smell that they can use to follow other Pokemon or people. If the Pokemon has smelt whom they want to track in the past day, or one of their personal belongings, they can pursue that prey with a check of 11 or better on d20. To pick up a random scent from nothing, a check of 16 or better on d20 will allow the Pokemon to follow that scent. To pick up a specific scent from nothing, a check of 20 on d20 will allow the Pokemon to follow that scent. A Pokemon may only make these checks once per hour. If a Pokemon learns the Move Odor Sleuth and does not have the Tracker Capability, they gain Tracker.
Slakoth and Slaking’s default Ability is always Truant.
Castform’s appearance changes with the weather around it. It changes to its orange form in Sunny weather, its blue and grey form in Raining weather and its light blue form when it’s Hailing.
Wobufett are very limited when it comes to their Move variety. As a result, Wobbufett can use Counter and Mirror Coat as EOT Frequency Moves rather than as Battle Frequency Moves. However, after the first use of Mirror Coat or Counter during an encounter, meaning on the second use of Mirror Coat or the second use of Counter and from that point on during the encounter, Wobufett’s Defense and Special Defense are treated as if they are ten less (-10). This penalty is only active while calculating damage while using Mirror Coat and Counter after the first use per Encounter. If a PP Up is used on a Wobufett’s Counter or Mirror Coat, Weeble is not needed for that Move anymore.
Wired - Electric
Wired Pokemon have a special relation to electronic devices. They can enter machines and travel through connected electronics through any cords that connect them instantly. While inside machines, they can read data on the machine on a check of 11, Daily. While inside machines, they can take control of the machine on a check of 17, Daily.
Zapper - Electric
Pokemon with the Zapper Capability can produce controlled electricity or send electrical currents through various conductive materials. If an electrical device is capable of being recharged, a Pokemon with Zapper can recharge it to full power on a check of 13 or better on 1d20 Daily. If a Pokemon learns the Move Charge, Discharge, Thunderbolt or Thundershock and does not have the Zapper Capability, they gain Zapper.