
Engineer - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Capture Specialist, Mech Arm (5000), 16 INT
Cross-class Prerequisites:

  • Researcher, 18 INT, Mech Arm (10000)
  • Pokemon Trainer: 20 INT, Mech Arm (10000)
  • Artificer, 16 INT, Mech Arm (10000)

Ability Bonus: +1 INT

Base Features


Pokedex Modifications
Effect: You may alter the Pokedex to have a Radar that works at a great range. You may alter that value from anywhere between a 5m radius to a 50m radius. The Pokedex can also identify how many wilds the radar detects and which direction they are. The radar cannot detect Pokemon who are not moving.


Mech Arm
Effect: You now have a mechanical arm you can wear over either your right or left arm. Add 2 points to your Strength stat. The Mech Arm has extending poles that can support the Arm’s weight when you are getting tired. The arm weighs 40 pounds.

An Engineer expands their technological ability to machinery larger then a Poke Ball. They create their own equipment to better help them through the world. They can modify the Pokedex, improve PC abilities and even create vehicles. It is through the Engineer that technological advances are made. The inventors of the Pokemon world need to find ideas somewhere, and while traveling the world many new machines can easily come to mind.

Class Features


Bullet Punch
Prerequisites: Engineer, Mech Arm
Daily - Every 5 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Target: A trainer or Pokemon.
Effect: Use the move Bullet Punch. Use either your DEX or INT modifiers as your Attack stat.


Drill Run
Prerequisites: Engineer, Mech Arm
Daily - Every 8 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Target: A trainer or Pokemon.
Effect: Use the move Drill Run. Use either your DEX or INT modifiers as your Attack stat.


Prerequisites: Engineer, 20 INT
Effect: You can access any information on any computer and make the computer do whatever you want, as long as the computer is capable of the thing you want it to do. If an encrypter wishes to contest hacking, they must have at least 20 INT. If they do, they must roll higher than you do on 1d20, adding their INT modifier while you add your INT modifier. GM decides the contesting stats. If they succeed, you may not use whatever you tried to hack into.


Learning Curve
Prerequisites: Engineer
Trigger: You make a roll that uses your INT modifier.
Effect: You may add X to your INT modifier for the next five minutes. X is the total of different Pokemon owned in your Pokedex divided by 10.


Meteor Mash
Prerequisites: Engineer, Mech Arm
Target: A trainer or Pokemon.
Effect: Use the move Meteor Mash. Use either your DEX or INT modifiers as your Attack stat.


Pokeball Traps
Prerequisites: Engineer, Remote Control and Camera set (1000)
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Your Pokeballs.
Effect: At any given time, you may have X of your Pokeballs marked to be usable by Pokeball traps. X is your INT modifier. Applying or removing a modification to make a Pokeball usable with Pokeball Traps takes 10 minutes. Set or throw your Pokeball down anywhere. At any time you may, as a trainer action, trigger a Pokeball set by Pokeball Traps to either capture an adjacent Pokemon if it is empty or to release your Pokemon from a filled Pokeball. You may view the battle and give orders to your Pokemon released this way through a camera on your Pokeball.


Prerequisites: Engineer, 20 INT
Effect: You can make small remote controlled pokemon robots for 1000 that is .5m tall, of any species or general appearance of your choice. It can move 5m per turn and can hold any small object. Pokemon with the Wired capability that you own do not need to make a roll to possess one of your Pokebots. By spending additional money upon each use of this feature, you may add additional abilities to the Pokebot (up to three abilities per Pokebot). Basic Pokebots have 20 HP and take Super-Effective damage from Fire, Electric, Ground and Rock Moves, unless possessed by a Wired Pokemon, in which case the Pokebot’s Type is the same as the possessing Pokemon.

-Additional Features: Camera (1000), Video Camera (2000), On-Board GPS (1500), Radio (1000), Computer (2500) Motion Sensing Alarm System (1750), Additional HP (1 per 1 HP, up to a maximum of 150), Self-Detonation (500) Deals 1d20 Normal damage in a 1m Burst against Defense, destroys the Pokebot. (500 more for each additional 1d20, up to a maximum of 3d20) (250 more per additional 1m of Burst, up to a maximum 5m) (500 to change its damage to Steel, Fire or Electric Type). Only one Pokebot may be detonated per turn. Detonation ejects any Pokemon possessing the Pokebot and sets them to -50% HP.


Poke Ball Arm Cannon
Prerequisites: Engineer, Mech Arm, Launcher Attachment (800)
Effect: Your Mech Arm can now fire Poke Balls, to send out your own or capture wilds. When firing any Poke Ball at a wild, subtract 12 from the Poke Ball’s capture rate. Also the Poke Ball deals 1d8 damage to the wild that cannot be reduced by Defense or Special Defense.


Raft Arm
Prerequisites: Engineer, Mech Arm, Buoy-Propeller Attachment (800)
Effect: Your Mech Arm is now buoyant and has a compartment that reveals a propeller. In water, you can move 1 meters per second or 10m per round.


Prerequisites: Engineer, Mech Arm, Scouter Attachment (1250)
Effect: You can see a percentage when you look at a Pokemon that represents how much of its total HP it has remaining.


Vehicle Builder
Prerequisites: Engineer, 5 Engineer Features
Daily - Every 6 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Effect: You may build a vehicle using the following price guidelines. Your GM will determine how quickly you make the vehicle. Name the vehicle whatever you’d like. Build it to look like whatever you’d like.

Power Source Man/Pokemon Gas Electric
Price Free 300 600
Passenger Count 1 2 3 4 Each Additional Count
Price 250 500 750 1000 +250
Vehicle Size 1-2 square meters 2.1-4 square meters 4.1-6 square meters Every Additional 2 Square Meters
Price 2000 4000 6000 +2000
Vehicle Type Land Water Underground Sky
Price 1000 2500 5000 7500

For Vehicle Type, you may combine the prices to combine the capabilities and have any combination of the Vehicle Types. For the vehicle’s HP, pay 1 for every 1 HP you’d like it to have. Your vehicle cannot have more then 4,500 HP.It is up to you and your GM to determine when your vehicle is out of power based on what your final product is.


Weapon Arm
Prerequisites: Engineer, Mech Arm, Weapon Attachment (500 )
Effect: You may attach a Melee Weapon Attachment to your Mech Arm. A default Weapon Attachment costs 500, but you may attach Artificer-Crafted Weapon Attachments. You always have the "Weapon of Choice" Feature for Arms Attacks made using your Mech Arm, and you may add your INT modifier to damage rolls instead of STR, DEX, or CON. You cannot be disarmed of your Weapon Attachment, and it may be crafted as being retractable into your Mech Arm.

Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features

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