Fashion Designer - Advanced Feature
Prerequisite: Coordinator, Fashion Case ( 3500 )
Cross-class Prerequisites: Unique to the Coordinator
Ability Bonus: +1 CHA
Base Features
Simple Accessory
Effect: Create an Accessory. When worn, the accessory adds +1 Appeal during the Introduction Stage of a Contest. It costs 300 to use Simple Accessory.
Sparkles and Glitter
Target: Your Pokemon entering a contest.
Effect: Add +X to the Pokemon's Appeal during the Introduction Stage, where X is the number of Fashion Designer accessories made by you being worn by the target.
Some Coordinators don’t want all the glory for themselves; the Fashion Designer could care less which pokemon wins, as long as they won wearing their accessories. They make outfits and accessories for their ally’s pokemon, and share the contest stage with them, giving them opportunity to win a Ribbon or two. It’s always nice to help out your fellow trainer.
Mechanics: Pokemon and Trainers alike can each equip and benefit from a maximum of 3 Accessories.
Clothing Piece items count as Accessories for the purposes of this limit, but may only be equipped and activated by Trainers.
Conversely, Held-Items can only be equipped and activated by Pokemon, unless the Held-Item is also a Clothing Piece. A Pokemon can only have ONE Held-Item, even if other Held Items are also turned into accessories.
Class Features
Ability Design
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer, 18 CHA
Effect: Choose a Pokemon Ability known by a Pokemon you own. You create an Ability Design Held-Item that may be activated once per day. When activated, the holder gains the holder gains the chosen ability for 5 rounds. You may not copy Wonder Guard with Ability Design. It costs 3500 to use Ability Design.
Capability Design
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer
Effect: Choose a numbered Capability. You create a Capability Design Held-Item that, when activated, adds +2 to the chosen Capability for five minutes. If you chose the Intelligence or Power Capabilities, add only +1 for 5 minutes, and may not raise Intelligence or Power above 7. A Pokemon may not benefit from multiple bonuses to the same Capability from a Capability Design item. Once activated a third time, the Accessory breaks. It costs 550 to use Capability Design.
Designed Stability
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer, Designed Volatility
Effect: Whenever you create an Accessory or Clothing item that has a limited number of uses, you may pay an additional 500 to instead create that accessory as a Stable Accessory. Stable Accessories and Clothing do not break, but may only be activated once per day.
Designed Volatility
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer, 5 Fashion Designer features.
Effect: Whenever you create a Fashion Designer item that has a limited number of uses, you may pay an additional 200 to instead create that accessory as a Volatile Accessory. Volatile Accessories do not break after a set number of uses; instead, each time they are activated, you must roll 1d20. If you roll less than 5, the accessory or clothing item loses all its abilities.
Item Stylist
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer
Target: An Item.
Effect: The Targetted item adds +1 Appeal during the introduction stage of a Contest if equipped. If the targetted item was not already an Accessory, it becomes an Accessory. You may not target the same item multiple times with Item Stylist.
Lucky Tailor
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer, 18 CHA
Effect: You create a Lucky Piece, which is a Clothing Piece. The Lucky Item may be used 1d20 and add the result to any roll made as a result of a trainer action taken by the wearer. Once activated a third time, the Lucky Piece breaks. A Trainer may benefit from a Lucky Piece only once each round. It costs 550 to use Lucky Tailor.
Move Accessory
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer, 18 CHA
Effect: Choose a Pokemon Move known by a Pokemon you own. You create a Move Accessory that may be activated to simulate the Chosen move while in a Contest. Once activated a third time, the Move Accessory loses all its abilities. It costs 400 to use Move Accessory.
Practical Tailor
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer
Effect: Choose a Trainer Stat. You create a Stat Piece, which is a Clothing Piece. When activated, it adds +1 to the chosen stat's Modifier for five minutes. Once activated a third time, the Stat Piece loses all its abilities. A Trainer may not benefit from multiple pieces of Stat Tailor that add to the same Trainer Stat at the same time. It costs 550 to use Practical Tailor.
Style Accessory
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer
Effect: Choose a Contest Stat. You create a Type Accessory that, when worn, adds +1 to the appeal roll of any moves of the chosen Contest Type. A Pokemon or Trainer may not benefit from multiple Type Accessories that add to the same Contest Stat. It costs 500 to use Type Accessory.
Style Tailor
Prerequisites: Fashion Designer
Effect: Choose a Contest Stat. You create a Type Piece, which is a Clothing Piece. that adds +X to the chosen Contest Stat, where X is your base CHA modifier at the time you make the clothing. These Contest Stat points Points may be burned when using a move through a Feature or Accessory to add the to the Appeal score. A Trainer may not benefit from multiple pieces of Type Tailor that add to the same Contest Stat at the same time. It costs 800 to use Contest Tailor.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features