Godspeaker - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Mystic, Has Possessed or Channeled a Legendary Pokemon
Cross-class Prerequisites: Unique to the Mystic
Ability Bonus: +1 STR
Base Features
Legendary Cry
Daily - Drains 100 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Hyper Voice. For every 100 HP drained in order to use Hyper Voice, roll an additional 2d10 for damage while using Hyper Voice. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your SP. ATK stat. You may not use Legendary Cry for 2 days after using Legendary Cry.
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Effect: For five minutes, you can see from the point of view of any of the Legendary Pokemon you have ever possessed. You also know how far each of those Legendaries are from you and which direction they are from wherever you are.
Mechanic: Godspeakers must borrow the power of Legendary Pokemon. If they are in good standing with a Legendary, they may request to the Pokemon to make use of their power - the likelihood of the request being granted is up to the GM but should be tied to the Legendary’s current status and the frequency of requests. If the request is not granted, the feature either fails, or the Godspeaker can force it to work. If that is done, the relationship with the Legendary is permanently damaged and may make the Legendary refuse further requests. If this is done too much, the Legendary will begin actively hunting the Godspeaker.
The gift of Mysticism is one that demands responsibility. Some who practice their trade gain the favor and attention of legendary patrons, who share their divine powers with those they deem worthy. Others use their powers for more selfish motives, and attain divine power by forcibly taking control of a legendary being. Those who walk this delicate path are known as Godspeakers. Be them priests and priestesses of their benevolent patrons, or power thirsty practitioners of out for personal gain, Godspeakers are awe-inspiring individuals who can evoke powers of the divine and all powerful. This power can make one into either a god or a devil, so Godspeakers must be cautious of the use of their power, and if they are not, they risk terrible, terrible consequences on a scale greater then they can imagine.
Class Features
Cold Snap
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, Borrowed Ice Beam, Blizzard or Sheer Cold
Daily - Drains 100 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Sheer Cold. For every 200 HP drained in order to use Sheer Cold, subtract 1 from Sheer Cold’s Accuracy Check. You may not use Cold Snap for 5 days after using Cold Snap. After using Cold Snap, you may not use Features, Issue Commands or Shift for 1 minute, or 6 rounds.
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, Borrowed Overheat, Eruption or Fire Blast
Daily - Drains 25 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Overheat. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your SP. ATK stat. You may not use Flare for 2 days after using Flare.
God Shield
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, took 1000 HP from Legendary Pokemon by using Features
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Protect.
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, took 5000 HP from Legendary Pokemon by using Features
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Mean Look. The target may also not Shift for 5 Rounds. The target also may not damage you for 5 Rounds. If the target attacks you or does something that would damage you, you take no damage.
Life Beam
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, Borrowed Hyper Beam
Daily - Drains 100 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Hyper Beam. For every 100 HP drained in order to use Hyper Beam, roll an additional 2d12 for damage while using Hyper Beam. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your SP. ATK stat. You may not use Life Beam for 4 days after using Life Beam. After using Life Beam, you may not use Features, Issue Commands or Shift for 1 minute, or 6 rounds.
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, Borrowed Outrage, Thrash or Dragon Rush
Daily - Drains 25 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Outrage. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your ATK stat. When you use Outrage with Outburst, ignore the effects of Outrage. You may not use Outburst for 3 days after using Outburst.
Parasitic Embrace
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, Borrowed Giga Drain, Mega Drain or Absorb
Daily - Drains 25 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Giga Drain. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your SP. ATK stat. The HP drained from Legendary Pokemon when this Feature is used counts towards the HP you regain as a result of Giga Drain’s Effect. You may not use Parasitic Embrace for 2 days after using Parasitic Embrace.
Power Mimicry
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, took 300 HP from Legendary Pokemon by using Features
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Mirror Move. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your SP. ATK or ATK stat, depending on whatever Stat the Move uses.
Praise Me
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, took 2000 HP from Legendary Pokemon by using Features
Target: Allied Pokemon.
Effect: Channeled Pokemon have and may use the Move Helping Hand to target you. Each Pokemon who uses Helping Hand in this way may not benefit from Praise Me for 24 hours.
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, Borrowed Earthquake, Magnitude or Rock Slide
Daily - Drains 25 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Earthquake. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your ATK stat. Instead of Earthquake having the keyword Burst, it instead has the keyword Blast when used with Tremor. You may not use Tremor for 3 days after using Tremor.
Thunder Call
Prerequisites: Godspeaker, Borrowed Zap Cannon, Thunder or Thunderbolt
Daily - Drains 25 HP of each previously Channeled Legendary Pokemon per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Zap Cannon. Use your STR modifier multiplied by 5 as your SP. ATK stat. You may not use Thunder Call for 3 days after using Thunder Call.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features