
Juggler - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Capture Specialist, 17 DEX, Juggling Set (150)
Cross-class Prerequisites:

  • Martial Artist, 18 DEX

Ability Bonus: +1 DEX

Base Features


Throwing Master
Effect: You gain the feat "Weapon of Choice" in the Short-Ranged weapon of your choice. You may throw Short-Ranged Weapons and Pokeballs an additional X meters, where X is your DEX modifier.


Quick Switch
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: Your Pokemon Faints; or an opponent sends out a Pokemon
Effect: You may return and send out a Pokemon as a Free Action. You may perform this Feature on your turn without a Trigger.

The Juggler takes their dexterity to the streets to make some monetary gain. They perform tricks that involve slight of hand and are excellent street scammers. This may seem like abilities unrelated to Pokemon training, but while battling those quick fingers can turn into a quickly delivered potion – from across the field. Even switching Pokemon can be done in a few seconds when this Martial Artist is battling. With a keen eye and attention to how any situation, or any thing, is always handled well by the Juggler.

Class Features


Bounce Juggle
Prerequisites: Juggler, Bounce Shot
Trigger: You use a Juggler Feature that removes an item from your possession.
Effect: The item immediately returns to your hand after the effect is triggered.


Bounce Shot
Prerequisites: Juggler, 5 Juggler Features
Daily - Every 8 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: A Thrown item hits its intended target or area.
Effect: The thrown item is bounced a number of meters equal to your DEX modifier in any direction. This can cause your Features to hit targets that are otherwise out of range or to hit a second target.


Emergency Release
Prerequisites: Juggler, 18 DEX
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Effect: You may Release a Pokemon as an Interrupt.


Enter Like Lightning
Prerequisites: Juggler, 20 DEX
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger:: You release a Pokemon from its Pokeball
Effect: Use the move Flash, centered around where you released your Pokemon. For this round, add your DEX modifier to your Pokemon's Speed Stat for the purposes of determining initiative.


Fast Draw
Prerequisites: Juggler
Effect: Once per encounter, you may use an Item on yourself or an allied Trainer or Pokemon as a Free Action.


First Blood
Prerequisites: Juggler, Enter Like Lightning
Trigger:: You release a pokemon from its pokeball
Effect: Your pokemon may use a Move with the Dash keyword as an interrupt as soon as it is sent out. Moves used in this way have the additional effect of pushing the target 5 meters. This consumes your Command action for the round.


Prerequisites: Juggler
Daily - Every 5 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Effect: Use the move Fling. Any item in your possession can count as a Held Item when you use this Move. Use your DEX modifier as your ATK Stat.


No Hands!
Prerequisites: Juggler
Effect: You may hide up to 3 Pokeball-sized or smaller items on your person which are undetectable by search. You may activate pokeballs without the use of your hands.


Pokeball Cascade
Prerequisites: Juggler
Effect: Pokemon you own add half of your DEX mod to their speeds for the purpose of calculating initiative on the turn they are sent out.


Quick Switch +
Daily - Every 5 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Trigger:: Your Pokemon Faints; or an opponent sends out a Pokemon
Effect: You may return and send out a Pokemon as a Free Action. You may perform this Feature on your turn without a Trigger.


Round Trip
Prerequisites: Juggler, 22 Dex, 4 other Juggler features
Daily - every 10 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Trigger:: Your Pokemon uses a move.
Effect: You may immediately switch your Pokemon that just performed a move for another of your Pokemon.


Tag In
Prerequisites: Juggler, 5 Juggler Features
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Trigger:: You recall a Pokemon
Effect: The next Pokemon you send out is treated as if the recalled Pokemon had used Baton Pass on it.

Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features

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