Move Keywords


A Move with the Berry keyword, is Natural Gift. Depending on the berry held, Natural Gift does different damage and has a different elemental Type.

Berry Damage Dice Roll Type Berry Damage Dice Roll Type
Cheri 2d10+8 Fire Watmel 3d10+12 Fire
Chesto 2d10+8 Water Durin 3d10+12 Water
Pecha 2d10+8 Electric Belue 3d10+12 Electric
Rawst 2d10+8 Grass Occa 2d10+8 Fire
Aspear 2d10+8 Ice Passho 2d10+8 Water
Leppa 2d10+8 Fighting Wacan 2d10+8 Electric
Oran 2d10+8 Poison Rindo 2d10+8 Grass
Persim 2d10+8 Ground Yache 2d10+8 Ice
Lum 2d10+8 Flying Chople 2d10+8 Fighting
Sitrus 2d10+8 Psychic Kebia 2d10+8 Poison
Figy 2d10+8 Bug Shuca 2d10+8 Ground
Wiki 2d10+8 Rock Coba 2d10+8 Flying
Mago 2d10+8 Ghost Payapa 2d10+8 Psychic
Aguav 2d10+8 Dragon Tanga 2d10+8 Bug
Iapapa 2d10+8 Dark Charti 2d10+8 Rock
Razz 2d10+8 Steel Kasib 2d10+8 Ghost
Bluk 3d8+10 Fire Haban 2d10+8 Dragon
Nanab 3d8+10 Water Coulbur 2d10+8 Dark
Wepear 3d8+10 Electric Babiri 2d10+8 Steel
Pinap 3d8+10 Grass Chilan 2d10+8 Normal
Pomeg 3d8+10 Ice Liechi 3d10+12 Grass
Kelpsy 3d8+10 Fighting Ganlon 3d10+12 Ice
Qualot 3d8+10 Poison Salac 3d10+12 Fighting
Hondeew 3d8+10 Ground Petaya 3d10+12 Poison
Grepa 3d8+10 Flying Apicot 3d10+12 Ground
Tamato 3d8+10 Psychic Lansat 3d10+12 Flying
Cornn 3d8+10 Bug Starf 3d10+12 Psychic
Magost 3d8+10 Rock Enigma 3d10+12 Bug
Rabuta 3d8+10 Ghost Micle 3d10+12 Rock
Nomel 3d8+10 Dragon Cutsap 3d10+12 Ghost
Spelon 3d8+10 Dark Jaboca 3d10+12 Dragon
Pamtre 3d8+10 Steel Rowap 3d10+12 Dark


A Move with the Blast Keyword can hit multiple targets. The size of the Blast is usually specified in the Effect of the Move. To find the area affected by the move, draw a radius equal to the length specified per Move. Draw a circumference surrounding the target that has an equal radius throughout the circle. All Legal Targets within the drawn area is hit by the Move with the Blast keyword.

Blocking Terrain

If an object that your pokemon cannot see through is between itself and a desired target, it is Blocking Terrain. You may not attack a target behind Blocking Terrain. Some blocking terrain can be seen through, that does not make it Hindering Terrain.


A Move with the Burst keyword can hit multiple targets. The length of the radius for the Burst is usually specified in the Effect of the Move. To find the area affected by the move, draw a radius equal to the length specified per Move. Draw a circumference surrounding the user that has an equal radius throughout the circle. All Legal Targets within the drawn area is hit by the Move with the Burst keyword.


A Move with the keyword Coat covers the target in a layer of material, which has various effects. If a Coat makes the user Resist a type, treat it as if the user is one step more Resistant to that type. Regardless of effect, you may not benefit from more than one application of the same Coat.


A Move with the Column keyword can hit multiple targets. The size of the Column is usually specified in the Effect of the Move. To find the area affected by the Move, draw a line from the user to the target, and then create a rectangle centered on that line using the width specified in the Move. Column Moves continue through the target 2-meters. All Legal Targets within the drawn area are hit by the Move with the Column keyword.

Combat Stages

During battle, the stats of a Pokemon can be altered to buff or debuff a pokemon, making them more formidable or less threatening. During battle, any stat can only be only be risen or lowered up to six times positively or six times negatively. This makes a scale, from -6 to +6 that can be altered as many times as the battle allows but never more then +6 Combat Stages or less than -6 Combat Stages. If a pokemon’s stat is raised a Combat Stage during battle, they gain a 25% bonus the buffed stat, rounded down. If a pokemon’s stat is lowered one Combat Stage during battle, they lose 12.5% of the affected stat rounded up. This means that if a stat has raised 6 Combat Stages; its affected stat should be 250% of its original value. If a stat has been lowered 6 Combat Stages, its affected stat should be 25% of its original value. For every 2 Combat Stages the Speed stat is raised, the Pokemon’s Speed Capabilities are raised 1 value. For every 3 Combat Stages the Speed stat is lowered, the Pokemon’s Speed Capabilities are lowered 1 value. Speed Capabilities may not be lowered below 1.


A Move with the Dash keyword can only be used if the Move’s user has moved towards its target before choosing a target. You may move away from the target and then move back towards the target in the same turn to make them a Legal Target as long as you have the appropriate Speed to allow for the movement.


A Move with the Environ keyword look at the chart below to see what they use for their move.

Area Nature Power Attack Secret Power Effect
Building Swift Paralysis
Cave Shadow Ball Flinch
Rocky Rock Slide Confusion
Sandy Sand-Attack +2 needed during Accuracy Check
Grassy Stun Spore Poison
Thick Brush Razor Leaf Sleep
Water Surf Lowers Speed 1 Combat Stage
Underwater Hydro Pump Lowers Attack 1 Combat Stage
Snowy Blizzard Freeze
Forest Magical Leaf Lowers Defense 1 Combat Stage
Volcanic Heat Wave Burn
Sky Whirlwind Lowers Special Attack 1 Combat Stage
Beach Muddy Water Lowers Special Defense 1 Combat Stage


If a Move has the Exhaust keyword, the user may not do anything on their next turn. The user may still be a target of Moves or be returned.


If a Move has the Hazard keyword, the effect covers a portion of the field of battle. A Hazard only affects the foes under certain circumstances. You may put extra Layers of the Move with Hazard if the Move allows.

Hindering Terrain

If an object that you can see through or around is between your pokemon and its target, there is Hindering Terrain. For each piece of Hindering Terrain, you must roll 1 higher during Accuracy Check.


A Move with the Intercept keyword can be declared on the foe’s turn. Moves with Intercept each have different situations where it can be used. If no specific means are mentioned, you may use the Intercept Move at any time (on the Pokemon’s turn or to Intercept another Pokemon’s turn). Once those circumstances show up, you may declare the Intercept Move and use it. Intercept Moves can be used out of turn as a Free Action, however once you perform an Intercept you may not perform additional Moves during that round of Combat.


A Move with the Interrupt keyword can be declared on the foe’s turn. Moves with Interrupt each have different situations where it can be used. If no specific means are mentioned, you may use the Interrupt Move at any time (on the Pokemon’s turn or to Intercept another Pokemon’s turn). Once those circumstances show up, you may declare the Interrupt Move and use it. When you use an Interrupt Move out of turn, you forfeit your next turn. You may not Interrupt an Intercept Move except with Feint. You may not declare the use of an Interrupt, in response to someone using an Interrupt after you’ve declared the use of your non-Interrupt Move. However, if you are using a Move that is an Interrupt Move when you are being attacked by an Interrupt Move, the offender may not Interrupt you if your Speed stat exceeds theirs.

Legal Target

All pokemon and people, friend and foe alike, in an area that has an unblocked line of sight.

On Miss

If a Move’s effect says On Miss, the effect detailed happens and makes everything within its range a Legal Target for the Move.


A Move with the Pass keyword moves through the target. The Move’s user must move before it hits a target and continues through the target, ending their movement on the side opposite of the side of the target they attacked. If the Pokemon’s capabilities allow it the Pokemon may keep shifting, Passing through as many targets as you’d like and attacking each one. After each target after the first, the Accuracy Check is increased by +2 per previous target. The user must be at least 1-meters away from its last target after their turn ends, and they may not attack the same target twice.


A Move with the Push keyword moves the target on hit. The distance the target is Pushed is usually specified in the Effect of the Move. The target is moved in the direction opposite of the Move’s user. If taking damage from being Pushed, do not reduce the damage with Defense stats and do not apply weaknesses or resistances.


When A Move says to Recoil, total the amount of damage the target took from your attack, ignoring additional Damage from status afflictions or Push damage, then divide by the number paired with the Keyword Recoil. The Move’s user loses HP equal to that dividend, ignoring stats weaknesses and resistances.


Reliable Moves do not count as if you had use the Move on a miss.


A Move with the Scatter keyword can hit multiple targets. The amount of times you may target with the Move is usually specified in the Effect of the Move. Each time you attack, you may target a different Legal Target. After calculating total damage from hits, apply the appropriate Attack stat once to each target, then each target applies their appropriate Defense stat.

Spirit Surge

A Move with the Spirit Surge keyword will always have its Effect activate. A Move with the Spirit Surge keyword still needs to successfully hit a Legal Target to deal damage, but will still gain its effect’s benefits. Moves with the Spirit Surge keyword usually cause buffs or debuffs to Combat Stages.

Target Area

A Move that says Target Area does not target a person or a pokemon. Instead, target a particular spot on the field.


A Move with the Trap keyword prevents the target from fleeing. A Trapped target may not flee, and may not be recalled. A Trapped target may not move from the spot they were Trapped in. If the user of the Move with the Trap keyword faints, flees, or is recalled the Trapped target is freed.


A Move with the keyword Wall can place Wall terrain of the field of battle. The amount of Wall is specified per Move. The Move will give a length of Wall, which can be separated at 1-meter intervals. The height of the Wall, unless specified otherwise, is 2-meters. You may stack Walls to make tall shields, or cut width in many 1-meter intervals to make several Walls all over the field. Walls are only a few inches thick, unless the Move specifies otherwise. At the end of an encounter, Walls fade after a few minutes. All walls can be Shifted through or have ranged attacks aimed through; however this may affect Shift or Accuracy.


Move with the Weather keyword affects an area, changing the rules of the battle. Damage can be altered and even the Effects of moves can change depending on the Weather in battle. Weather can replace Weather that already is in place. If a Weather effect does not replace Weather effects, it is Lesser Weather and it cannot be replaced.

Weight Class

A Move with the Weight Class Keyword refers to the following.

Weight Class 1 – Any pokemon between 0 – 25 lbs; 0 – 11 kg
Weight Class 2 – Any pokemon between 25 – 55 lbs; 11 – 25 kg
Weight Class 3 – Any pokemon between 55 – 110 lbs; 25 – 50 kg
Weight Class 4 – Any pokemon between 110 – 220 lbs; 50 – 100 kg
Weight Class 5 – Any pokemon between 220 – 440 lbs; 100 – 200 kg
Weight Class 6 – Any pokemon heavier than 440 lbs; 200 kg

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