
Mystic - Base Class Feature
Prerequisites: 13 STR, 13 WIS
Bonuses: +1 STR +1 WIS
Penalties: -2 CHA

Base Features


At-Will - Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
Target: A Pokemon.
Effect: Make a Link Check, then subtract your Wisdom or Strength Stat from your roll. If it is successful, the Pokemon is being Channeled. The Pokemon is considered Helpful. Until this ally is attacked or severely distracted, it will listen to the Mystic’s suggestions and follow the Mystic until they are leaving the Pokemon’s home. You have knowledge of its Pokemon’s Move List, Abilities and Capabilities. You have knowledge of what happened in the Pokemon’s past hour. You and the Channeled Pokemon can communicate telepathically. Any attempt at attacking or capturing the Channeled Pokemon results in the Pokemon fleeing without fail. The Channeled Pokemon will not attack on your command. However, if the Channeled Pokemon is yours, treat it as usual, except it is being “Channeled”. You may only have one Pokemon Channeled at a time. If a Pokemon is more than X meters from you, it is no longer Channeled. X is twice the sum of your STR modifier plus your WIS modifier.


Trigger: A Pokemon you are Channeling.
Effect: Choose a Move on the Channeled Pokemon’s Move List. You may perform this Move, once, as a Trainer Action during the next 24 hours. Use your STR modifier for your Attack stat and your WIS modifier for your Special Attack stat.

Mechanic: Link Checks are made as if they are Capture Rolls. If your roll is less than the Pokemon’s Capture rate, you have successfully Channeled the Pokemon.

The Mystic connects with Pokemon and nature at a primal level that most don’t understand. They are able to enter a trance to channel Pokemon and see through their eyes, forging such a fundamental connection that they are able to manifest some of their Pokemon’s abilities. These natural talents tend to guide Mystics towards religious and spiritual occupations or those that deal with the lore of ancient and Legendary Pokemon.

Class Features


Ancient Pulse
Prerequisites: Mystic, 17 WIS
Target: Non-electronic, inorganic Items.
Effect: You can identify the abilities of any non-electronic, inorganic Items and know how to activate their abilities and use them.


Channel Friend
Prerequisites: Mystic, 16 STR or 16 WIS
Effect: Whenever you target a loyal Pokemon you own with Channel, treat your Possession Check as if you rolled 0.


Channel Friend +
Prerequisites: Mystic, Channel Friend, 20 STR or 20 WIS
Effect: Whenever you target a loyal Pokemon you own with Channel, treat your Possession Check as if you rolled 0 and do not lose any HP in order to use Channel. Whenever you target a loyal Pokemon an ally owns with Channel and their permission, treat your Possession Check as if you rolled 0. You may also channel up to two Pokemon at a time. This Feature replaces Channel Friend.


Channel Mind
Prerequisites: Mystic
Effect: All Channeled Pokemon are treated as if their Intelligence Capability is as high as the highest Intelligence Capability among all Channeled Pokemon, or equal to your WIS Modifier -1. A Pokemon’s Intelligence Capability cannot be higher than 7. A Pokemon’s Intelligence can only be raised up to 6 as a result of your WIS modifier.


Experience Shared
Prerequisites: Mystic, 16 WIS
Effect: You may see through the eyes of any Channeled Pokemon. You may hear anything a Channeled Pokemon can hear. If you are Channeling more than one Pokemon, you may only change between which Pokemon you are sharing senses with once per round of combat.


Mystic Veil
Prerequisites: Mystic, 18 WIS
Effect: Add your WIS modifier added to your STR modifier multiplied by 3 to your total HP. This only applies to your human body.


Perfect Vessel
Prerequisites: Mystic, Level 10
Effect: You may Channel up to three Pokemon at the same time. If you have Channel Friend +, instead you may Channel up to five Pokemon at the same time.


Prerequisites: Mystic, 16 WIS
Effect: You know lore relating to any local Legendary Pokemon.


Prerequisites: Mystic, Borrowed a move from an owned, loyal Pokemon who has been raised at least 20 levels
Effect: You may Borrow up to 3 Moves at a time when using Borrow or Possession Borrow. This does not allow you to use Borrow or Possession Borrow multiple times a day - instead you may choose to Borrow multiple moves at once from the same Pokemon during your Daily use of either Feature. The total number of Moves Borrowed a day may not exceed 3. You may not Borrow multiple copies of the same Move in one day.


Tree Hugger
Prerequisites: Mystic
Effect: You can speak to plants that are at least 20 years old, and with a limited response they can inform you of anything that may have touched them in the past 24 hours, any Berries that may grow on them, or any Pokemon who live nearby and commonly visit.


Prerequisites: Mystic, Channel Friend
At-Will - Drains 5 of user’s HP per use.
Target: Adjacent Pokemon.
Effect: You can talk to the Pokemon in its language for 4 hours.


Voodoo Shuffle
Prerequisites: Mystic, Perfect Vessel
Effect: You may make two Channel attempts as one Trainer Action.

Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features

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