When you use a Poke Ball, add or subtract the Poke Ball’s modifier from your d100 Capture Roll. These are a few existing Poke Balls, your campaign might feature Poke Balls not seen here, or as a Pokeball Designer, you may invent your own Poke Balls.
Basic Balls are sold for 200, Great Balls for 500 and Ultra Balls for 1000. All Special balls are usually sold for 1000 as well.
Ball Name | Modifier | Special |
01 Basic Ball | +5 | |
02 Great Ball | +0 | |
03 Ultra Ball | -10 | |
04 Master Ball | -100 | Incredibly Rare. Worth at least 300000. Sold nowhere. |
05 Safari Ball | +0 | Used during Safari hunts. |
06 Level Ball | +5 | -15 Modifier, if the target is under half the level your active pokemon is. |
07 Lure Ball | +0 | -10 Modifier, if the target was baited into the encounter with food. |
08 Moon Ball | +0 | -15 Modifier, if the target evolves with an Evolution Stone. |
09 Friend Ball | -5 | A caught pokemon will start with Loyalty 2. |
10 Love Ball | +0 | -15 Modifier, if the target is the opposite gender of an ally Pokemon. |
11 Heavy Ball | +5 | -5 Modifier, for each Weight Class the target is above 2. |
12 Fast Ball | +5 | -15 Modifier, if the target has a Speed Capability above 7. |
13 Sport Ball | +0 | Used during Safari hunts. |
14 Premier Ball | +0 | Given as promotional balls during sales. |
15 Repeat Ball | +10 | -15 Modifier, if you already own a Pokemon of the target’s species. |
16 Timer Ball | +5 | -5 to the Modifier after every 2 rounds until the Modifier is -20. |
17 Nest Ball | +0 | -15 Modifier, if the target is under level 10. |
18 Net Ball | +0 | -15 Modifier, if the target is Water or Bug type. |
19 Dive Ball | +5 | -15 Modifier, if the target was found underwater or underground. |
20 Luxury Ball | -5 | A caught pokemon is easily pleased and starts with a raised happiness. |
21 Heal Ball | -5 | A caught pokemon will heal to Max HP immediatley upon capture. |
22 Quick Ball | -20 | +5 Modifier after 1 round of the encounter, +10 Modifier after round 2. |
23 Dusk Ball | +0 | -15 Modifier if it is dark, or if there is very little light out, when used. |
24 Cherish Ball | -5 | |
25 Park Ball | +0 | Used during Safari hunts. |