Psychic - Base Class Feature
Prerequisites: 13 INT, 13 CON
Bonuses: +1 INT +1 CON
Penalties: -2 STR
Base Features
Target: Any object that you may lift.
Effect: Add your INT and CON modifiers and multiply the total by 5 pounds. This represents the weight you may lift and items you may target with Telekinesis. Multiply your INT and CON modifiers then multiply that product by 3-meters. This is how far the target can be. You may not move that target more than the range of your Telekinesis. You need a line of sight to target the object. You can Shift the target up to X meters/spaces per turn where X is your INT or CON modifier.
Target: Any other human, some may be immune to Telepathy
Effect: You may read the surface thoughts of other humans, as well as project your surface thoughts to other humans. You may also project telepathic message to your Pokemon, but may not read your Pokemon’s minds.
Mechanic: Some Features leave Psychic Residue. Psychics can “see” residue and identify the culprit of said residue if they see that particular Psychic in action.
Not every human in the Pokemon World is born with equal natural abilities. Psychics are born with supernatural powers. Psychics have a natural affinity for the Dark, Ghost and Psychic type Pokemon. They can telekinetically move objects and telepathically enter the minds of others. They can emphatically figure out exactly what their Pokemon need, telepathically negotiate with people or enter the minds of Pokemon to communicate with the wild itself.
Class Features
Prerequisites: Psychic, 16 INT
At-Will – Drains 8 of user’s HP per use.
Target: A human or Pokemon.
Effect: Use the Move Extrasensory. Use your Constitution Stat as your SP. ATK stat.
Prerequisites: Psychic, Trick Room
At-Will – Drains 20 of user’s HP per use.
Target: No Target
Effect: Use the Move Gravity.
Light Screen
Prerequisites: Psychic, 15 INT, a Pokemon who knows the Move Light Screen
At-Will – Drains 5 of user’s HP per use.
Target: No Target
Effect: Use the Move Light Screen.
Magic Room
Prerequisites: Psychic, Trick Room
At-Will – Drains 20 of user’s HP per use.
Target: A human or Pokemon.
Effect: Use the Magic Room.
Prerequisites: Psychic, 15 INT, 17 CON
At-Will – Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
Target: Self.
Effect: Your CON modifier is X. You may move through solid objects for X seconds. Moves will miss and pass through you if you are Phasing. If you are still in a solid object after X seconds, you must reactivate Phasing to prevent death. If you run out of HP and are still in a solid object, you die. You may not make a death savings throw if you die while Phasing. You may take up to X people with you while Phasing. If you stop Phasing, they stop Phasing. If you stop Phasing someone you are Phasing, you stop Phasing as well. If you place a person into an object, and then stop Phasing them while they are still in that object, they may make a Savings throw of 7 on 1d20 to continue Phasing for X seconds, at which point they will stop Phasing. As a Free Action, anyone (Trainer or Pokemon) may resist Phasing.
Probability Control
Prerequisites: Psychic, 16 INT
At-Will – Drains 5 of user’s HP per use.
Target: Any roll.
Effect: You may reroll any die, or have any ally reroll any die. For every time you use this ability per day, past the first use on any day, your GM gets one Murphy’s Law point. They may use this point to have you reroll any die that you haven’t targeted with Probability Control, the GM may only target your dice rolls with Murphy’s Law Points.
Psychic Finder
Prerequisites: Psychic, 16 INT
Target: Human or Pokemon.
Effect: You can identify if a psychic has affected someone’s mind and identify the meddler, human and Pokemon alike by recognizing Psychic Residue. Also, as a free action, you may also roll 1d20 when using a Feature which leaves Psychic Residue. If your roll plus your INT modifier is higher then 15, you leave no psychic residue.
Psychic Force
Prerequisites: Psychic, 18 INT, a Pokemon who knows the Move Psychic
At-Will - Drains 20 of user’s HP per use.
Target: Pokemon or Trainers.
Effect: Use the Move Psychic. Use your Constitution Stat as your SP. ATK stat.
Prerequisites: Psychic, 19 INT
Target: Any object that you may lift.
Effect: You may target objects you know of, but cannot see, with Telekinesis. You do not need a line of sight to move those objects.
Prerequisites: Psychic, 15 INT, a pokemon who knows the Move Reflect
At-Will – Drains 5 of user’s HP per use.
Target: No Target
Effect: Use the Move Reflect.
Reflect Type
Prerequisites: Psychic, 16 CON,16 INT
Daily – Drains 8 of user’s HP per use.
Target: Self.
Effect: Use the Move Reflect Type.
Prerequisites: Psychic, 17 INT
At-Will – Drains 15 of user’s HP per use.
Target: Self.
Effect: Use the Move Teleport.
Trick Room
Prerequisites: Psychic
At-Will – Drains 20 of user’s HP per use.
Target: No Target.
Effect: Use the Move Trick Room.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features