Rune Master - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Mystic, Channeled or Possessed an Unown
Cross-class Prerequisites:
- Cryptozoologist, 5 Unowns
- Petrologist, 5 Unowns
- Watcher, 5 Unowns
Ability Bonus: +1 WIS
Base Features
Calling Chord
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your WIS modifier. If the roll exceeds 10, an Unown appears within 5 yards of you. If the roll exceeds 20, you may choose the Unown's letter. It is not immediately hostile. Furthermore, each different Unown symbol counts as a different pokemon for the purposes of determining Pokemon owned.
Letter Press
Target: An Unown
Effect: You may combine up a total of seven separate Unowns into one Pokemon. Combined Unowns retain all different instances of Hidden Power. When using Letter Press on Unown, for each instance of Hidden Power, choose whether it will operate on Attack stat or Special Attack stat. This choice is permanent. When combining Unowns, pick a Unown to be the Prime Unown of that combination. Whenever you add a Unown to a Prime Unown, add 3 points to any one of the Prime Unown’s Base stats. Unowns combined with Letter Press can be kept in a single Poke Ball. Once combined with Letter Press, Unowns cannot be separated.
Once a Mystic has communed with an Unown, they have glimpsed into the power of the reality altering Pokemon's hive mind and have drawn the attention of all Unown who wander the world. The Rune Master takes hold of the Unown and works with them to improve their power while the Unown begin to influence
the Mystic who calls themselves their master.
Class Features
Prerequisites: Rune Master, 21 Unowns
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day, you must have 8 Unowns with you.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your WIS modifier. If the total exceeds 15, the target is removed from the encounter and placed into a pocket dimension known as Unown Space for until the end of your next turn. At that time, the target returns to the exact same spot it was, when it was Banished. The target does not feel any time lost during the it spends in Unown Space as a result of being hit by Banish. You may use Banish only once per encounter on any single target, but you may expend any number of uses of Banish at once to increase the duration of the banishment by 1 round for each use.
Borrow Power
Prerequisites: Rune Master
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A Pokemon you are channeling.
Effect: Choose an instance of Hidden Power Move on the Channeled Pokemon’s Move List. You may peform this move immediately as a Trainer Action. Use your STR mod as your Attack stat and your WIS mod as your Special Attack stat.
Dimension Gate
Prerequisites: Rune Master, 14 Unowns
Daily - Every 25 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day, you must have 14 Unowns with you.
Target: An adjacent area, with nothing occupying the targeted area.
Effect: Choose an area you have visited in the past year. In the targeted area a magic door opens that, when stepped through, acts as a one-way door, which teleports you to the area you chose. The door teleports you into an open space that is not occupied by anything, or the nearest available area that isn’t occupied by anything.
Explosive Runes
Prerequisite: Rune Master, Borrow Power
Effect: Expend a use of Borrow Power, and pick an instance of Hidden Power you could have selected with it. You write a sigil of power in Unown script. When a condition, as decided by you, has been met, the sigil explodes in a burst, dealing damage as if you had activated Borrow Power. When a sigil is activated, you become instantly aware of the fact. Only one sigil within 5 meters may detonate at a time; if multiple sigils are triggered, you are still alerted for each one, however. You may have up to X sigils of power active, where X is your Wisdom modifier.
Extra Eyes:
Prerequisites: Rune Master
Effect: Any time you or a Channeled Pokemon would be targeted by an attack, add one to the target’s Evasion Bonus for each other Channeled Pokemon who is facing the attacker.
Hidden Strength
Prerequisites: Rune Master
Effect: When you or any of your Prime Unown uses one of its Hidden Powers, you may choose to, instead of it acting as a Burst, have it act as a Column 1-meter wide, 15 meters long. Whenever your Prime Unown use Hidden Power, they always add +1/2 STAB bonus to their damage roll, regardless of their typing.
Prerequisites: Rune Master
Target: A Prime Unown
Effect: Choose one of the target’s instances of Hidden Power. You may then choose to reroll the Type for this instance or hidden power, or the base damage for this instance of hidden power.
Prerequisites: Rune Master, 14 Unowns
Daily - As long as you have 14 Active Unowns
Target: A Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Make up to three AC5 attack rolls against the same target, each time picking one of Paralyzed, Burned, Poisoned, Asleep, or Confused. If an attack hits, the target is inflicted with the appropriate status.
Sentry Runes
Prerequisites: Rune Master
Effect: You write a sigil of warding in Unown script. You may, at any time, close your eyes to channel the sigil. While channeling the sigil, you may and look and listen through it, and project your voice through it. The sigil may be of any size, but your ability to perceive and communicate through it are proportional to the size of the sigil; tiny writing will allow for a view only as big as a keyhole, for example. If a sigil of warding is destroyed or damaged, you are instantly aware of the fact. You may have up to X sigils of warding active, where X is your Wisdom modifier.
Unown Arms
Prerequisites: Rune Master, 5 Rune Master Features
Daily - Every 20 Levels gained, you may perform this feature another time per day.
Target: A Prime Unown
Effect: The Prime Unown turns into a weapon of your choice. When used with an Arms Feature, an Unown Weapon deals additional damage equal to the Prime Unown's STAB value. Unown Weapons can be used to block incoming attacks, causing the Prime Unown to take the damage in your stead. This effect lasts up to 24 hours, or until the Prime Unown is knocked out or recalled. Prime Unown cannot use moves or special capabilities while in this state.
Prerequisites: Rune Master, 20 WIS
Effect: You understand all written language. You know the meaning of any word you read, and can fluently read and understand any written passage, even if you cannot speak it.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features