Scientist - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Researcher, 18 INT
Cross-class Prerequisites:
- Chef, 14 INT
- Smart Teacher, 16 INT
- Capture Specialist, 16 INT, 12 WIS
Ability Bonus: +1 INT
Base Features
Potions Mastery
Target: Items.
Effect: Create either a Potion (100), a Super potion (175 ), a Hyper Potion ( 225 ), or a Max Potion ( 600 ).
Repels Mastery
Target: Items.
Effect: Create a Repel ( 100 ), a Super Repel ( 150 ) or a Max Repel ( 200 ).
A Researcher who practices the creation of various concoctions is a Scientist. They mix various materials together to make repels, potions, and other items used for whatever they can think up. A Scientist doesn’t always have the right materials for their desired product, but maybe a few experiments will prove to create a new potion unlike any seen before.
Class Features
Body Pills
Prerequisites: Scientist, a pokemon with at least 20 HP stat or Speed stat
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create a HP Up or Carbos. It costs 2450 to use Body Pills.
Defense Pills
Prerequisites: Scientist, a pokemon with at least 20 Defense stat or Special Defense stat
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create an Iron or Zinc. It costs 2450 to use Defense Pills.
Energy Brewer
Prerequisites: Scientist
Daily – Every 2 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create an Ether. It costs 80 to use Energy Brewer. Name the concoction whatever you'd like out of whatever ingredients you'd like.
Energy Mastery
Prerequisites: Scientist, Energy Brewer
Daily – Every 2 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create an Elixir. It costs 270 to use Energy Mastery. Name the concoction whatever you'd like out of whatever ingredients you'd like.
Offense Pills
Prerequisites: Scientist, a pokemon with at least 20 Attack stat or Special Attack stat
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create a Protein or Calcium. It costs 2450 to use Offense Pills.
Performance Enhancers
Prerequisites: Scientist
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Roll 1d8. On a result of 1, you create a X Attack; on a result of 2, you create a X Defend; on a result of 3, you create a X Special; on a result of 4, you create a X Sp. Def; on a result of 5, you create a X Speed; on a result of 6, you create a X Accuracy; on a result of 7, you create a Dire Hit; on a result of 8, you create a Guard Spec. It costs 150 to use the Performance Enhancers Feature.
Performance Enhancer Mastery
Prerequisites: Scientist, Performance Enhancers has been used at least 3 times
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create either a X Attack, a X Defend, a X Special, a X Sp. Def, a X Speed, a X Accuracy, a Dire Hit or a Guard Spec. It costs 150 to use the Performance Enhancer Mastery Feature. This Feature replaces Performance Enhancers.
Frequency Pills
Prerequisites: Scientist, Body Pills, Defense Pills, Offense Pills
Target: Items.
Effect: Create a PP Up. It costs 4900 to use Frequency Pills.
Status Brewer
Prerequisites: Scientist
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Roll 1d6. On a result of 1, you create an Antidote; on a result of 2, you create an Awakening; on a result of 3, you create a Burn Heal; on a result of 4, you create an Ice Heal; on a result of 5, you create a Paralyze Heal; on a result of 6, you create a Full Heal. It costs 100 to use the Status Brewer Feature.
Status Mastery
Prerequisites: Scientist, Status Brewer has been used at least 3 times
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create an Antidote, Awakening, Burn Heal, Ice Heal or Paralyze Heal for 100 or create a Full Heal for 250. This Feature replaces Status Brewer.
Trait Suppressant
Prerequisites: Scientist
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Items.
Effect: Create an item with the same effect as a Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa or Tomato Berry. It costs 1250 to use Trait Suppressant.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features