Special Operations Member - Advanced Feature
Prerequisites: Ranger, CHA 16, DEX 18, Styler, Special Ops. Gear and Upgrade Kit (2000)
Cross-class Prerequisites: Unique to the Ranger
Bonuses: +1 DEX
Base Features
Target: A Pokemon.
Effect: You can see a percentage when you look at a Pokemon that represents how much of its total HP it has remaining.
Specialists Styler
Target: The Styler you own.
Effect: You upgrade your Styler to your own personal specifications, granting it 30 maximum energy, and adding four slots that allow for future upgrades to be added on. Each upgrade takes up one slot and is powered by the Styler. You may spend a Trainer Action to change one upgrade to a different upgrade. All Special Operations Upgrades may only be applied and used on a Specialists Styler.
Mechanic: Spec Ops Stylers make use of an internal power system to operate their upgrades and attachments. This energy does not recharge at the end of the day, instead it needs to be powered by an outside source. A successful use of the zapper capability charges the Styler to full, the Styler can also be recharged at any ranger station, or building with appropriate adapters and power supply. The Special Operations Member also has many supplies they must use to do their job well. These supplies are given by the organization the Ranger belongs to, but the GM may force the player to purchase these items on their own, create them through their own means such as an engineer, buy them from shady supplies, or gain them as rewards. The numbers in the features prerequisites are recommended costs if the player were to purchase them on their own.
Not many people can say they’ve had the equipment to, or had the guts to stand in the way of a hyper beam on purpose. These elite Rangers, members of Special Operations, prefer to have the situation under control before an incident occurs. As the specialist branch of the Rangers, they command a different sort of respect, equal to law enforcement but arguably more efficient.
Class Features
Coiled Styler Upgrade
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Cable and Compact Two-Way Motor (750)
Daily - Every 8 levels gained, you may perform this feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or Trainers
Effect: Use a ranged instance of the Move Wrap up to a range of 5 meters. Use your DEX modifier as your ATK stat. 40 meters of cable located somewhere on your person is fed through the upgrade, with the options of a grappling hook, magnetic weight, and adhesive solution. The motor can pull your weight and up to an additional 200 pounds and extends Wrap's range to 10 meters. The motor takes up an additional upgrade slot, but you may use the upgrade without it. Each use of the move Wrap uses 4 points of energy from your Styler, and every 10 minutes spent with the motor running, uses 2 point of energy.
Crowd Control Upgrade
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Crowd Control Kit (500)
Daily - Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or trainers.
Effect: Use the move Sleep Powder or Smokescreen with a maximum range of 5 meters. Using this feature spends 4 point of energy from your Styler.
Crowd Suppression Upgrade
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Crowd Control Upgrade, Crowd Suppression Addon (750)
Daily - Every 6 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or trainers.
Effect: Use the move Spider Web or Stun Spore with a maximum range of 4 meters. This add-on fits onto the Crowd Control launcher and does not use an upgrade slot. Using this feature spends 5 point of energy from your Styler.
Elemental Stone Upgrade
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Elemental Stone Catalyst Kit (2000)
Effect: You insert an evolutionary stone into the upgrade to draw out various powers. Once inserted, these stones lose the potency to evolve a Pokemon, but can continued to be used in this upgrade. You may only use one stone at a time, and it takes five rounds to change effects after using a trainer action to change stones. Having this upgrade installed uses five points of energy at the beginning of every day.
Gain the capabilities for appropriate stone which is used:
Stone | Capability |
Dawn Stone | Glow |
Dusk Stone | Mind Lock |
Fire Stone | Firestarter (No manipulation) |
Leaf Stone | Juicer |
Moon Stone | Stealth |
Shiny Stone | Glow |
Sun Stone | Alluring |
Thunder Stone | Adds an additional 10 points to Styler maximum energy |
Water Stone | Fountain |
Elemental Stone Upgrade +
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Elemental Stone Upgrade, Resonance Cascade Jumpstarter Kit (4000)
Daily - Every 25 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or Trainers
Effect: This kit fits on top of the Elemental Stone Upgrade in addition to two other slots. You use the move Hyper Beam, which takes a custom type depending on which stone you have inserted into the Elemental Stone Upgrade. Using Hyper Beam exhausts the trainer for his next action, and you must wait an additional three rounds before using any of the Stylers upgrades. Using this feature spends 15 point of energy from your Styler.
The types used for the hyper beam are:
Stone | Type |
Fire Stone | Fire |
Water Stone | Water |
Thunder Stone | Electric |
Leaf Stone | Grass |
Moon Stone | Rock |
Sun Stone | Flying |
Shiny Stone | Fighting |
Dusk Stone | Ghost |
Dawn Stone | Psychic |
None | Normal |
Lock-On Upgrade
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Lock-On Kit (1250)
Target: Pokemon or trainers.
Effect: Use the Move Lock-On. You receive the targets maximum HP and current HP through your scanner. Using this feature spends 2 point of energy from your Styler.
Protective Armor
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Light Personal Armor (1000)
Effect: When taking damage from attacks, take 10 less damage. This Armor can be hidden under most jackets and multi-layer clothing but cannot be used under Perfect Armor.
Perfect Armor
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Full Personal Armor (2000), Protective Armor
Effect: When taking damage from attacks, take 25 less damage. This armor cannot be hidden except by some extreme methods, and cannot be used in combination with Protective Armor. You may only factor in one other source of damage reduction along with Perfect Armor.
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, 20 DEX, Protective Armor
Target: Self.
Effect: Use the Move Endure.
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Endure
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: You are hit by a Move.
Effect: Use the Move Protect. For every use of Protect past the first per day, use 3 points of Styler energy.
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member, Rebreather Kit (500)
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Self
Effect: Use the water rebreather, allowing you to breathe underwater for a maximum of 45 minutes per use. After the rebreather is used to its full time, it must be cleaned and dried, rendering it unable to be used for three hours.
Take Down
Prerequisites: Spec. Ops. Member
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or trainers.
Effect: Use the Move Take Down. Add your DEX modifier as your ATK stat.. If you have Perfect Armor, you do not take recoil from Take Down.
Ace Trainer | Chaser | Enduring Soul | Stat Ace | Strategist |Tag Battler | Type Ace | Underdog
Breeder | Botanist | Chef | Evolver | Groomer | Hatcher | Medic | Move Tutor
Capture Specialist | Artificer | Collector | Engineer | Juggler | Pokeball Designer | Snagger | Trapper
Coordinator | Beauty Modeler | Choreographer | Cool Trainer | Cute Idol | Fashion Designer |Smart Teacher | Tough Guy
Martial Artist | Athlete | Aura User | Black Belt | Dirty Fighter | Massage Therapist | Ninja | Weapons Master
Mystic | Bodysnatcher | Buffet | Godspeaker | Guardian | Rune Master | Shaman | Touched
Psychic | Air Adept | Clairsentient | Earth Shaker | Empath | Fire Breather | Hex Maniac | Influential | Rain Waker
Ranger | Coach | Commander | Detective | Rider | Signer | Special Operations | Survivalist
Researcher | Cryptozoologist | Dream Doctor | Petrologist | Photographer | Professor | Scientist | Watcher
Trainer Features | Arms Features