These features are general Trainer Features, and may be taken by any Trainer, regardless of their classes, as long as they meet the required prerequisite.
General Features
Aim For the Horn!
Prerequisites: 13 WIS
Daily – Every 4 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Your Pokemon targeting with a Move.
Effect: On a roll of 19 or 20 during Accuracy Check, your Pokemon's attack will deal Neutral damage regardless of immunities or resistances.
Aim For the Horn! +
Prerequisites: Aim For the Horn!, 16 WIS
Daily – Every 2 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Your Pokemon targeting with a Move.
Effect: On a roll of 16-20 during Accuracy Check, your Pokemon's attack will deal Neutral damage regardless of immunities or resistances. This Feature replaces Aim For the Horn!
Back Off
Prerequisites: 13 CHA
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: A Trainer, not involved in a Gym or Competition battle, challenges you.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. If the result is higher then 10, the Trainer is intimidated and withdraws their challenge.
Chosen One
Prerequisites: Level 16
Trigger: You fail to roll high enough for any type of check.
Effect: You don’t fail the check. You may not apply this to a Pokemon's check.
Close Your Eyes!
Prerequisites: 13 INT
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: Your Pokemon is targeted by a Move listed below.
Effect: Use when one of you Pokemon is targeted by one of these Moves: Attract, Astonish, Captivate, Charm, Encore, Follow Me, Flash, Glare, Hypnosis, Leer, Mean Look, Sand-Attack, Scary Face, Sleep Powder, Spore, Tail Whip, Taunt, Teeter Dance. The foe must roll +2 during Accuracy Check to hit your Pokemon.
Cover Your Ears!
Prerequisites: 13 WIS
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: Your Pokemon is targeted by a Move listed below.
Effect: Use when one of you pokemon is targeted by one of these Moves: Bug Buzz, Chatter, Grasswhistle, Growl, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Screech, Sing, Snore, Supersonic, Uproar, Yawn. The foe must roll +2 during Accuracy Check to hit your Pokemon.
Dual Wielding
Prerequisites: Level 10, 12 STR , 12 CON, 12 DEX, 12 INT, 12 WIS, 12 CHA
Effect: You may control 2 Pokemon at the same time. During a round of battle, they are each included in the battle queue. You are still only allotted 1 Trainer Action. During a round in which you use Dual Wielding, you may not use the effects of Multitasking.
Give it Your All
Prerequisites: Level 1
One Time Use Only - After taking Give it Your All, you gain one additional use, per 10 levels gained.
Effect: Target one of your Pokemon’s Moves. For one use, it is a Critical Hit that cannot miss.
Hey Guys, Watch This
Prerequisites: Level 1
Effect: From now on, instead of gaining a new Feature when you level up during levels that you would gain a Feature, you gain 1 Feat Point. A Feat Point can be spent at anytime you can use a Trainer Action, and does not take a Trainer Action to use. When you spend a Feat Point, you may add any Feature to your Features whose prerequisites you meet. You may not regain any Feat Points you spend. You do not gain a Feat Point on the same level you take Hey Guys, Watch This.
Hold Your Breath!
Prerequisites: 13 CON
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: Your Pokemon is targeted by a Move listed below.
Effect: Use when one of you Pokemon is targeted by one of these Moves: Muddy Water, Poison Gas, Poisonpowder, Smog, Stun Spore, Surf, Sweet Scent, Whirlpool. The foe must roll +2 during Accuracy Check to hit your Pokemon.
I Can Take a Hit
Prerequisites: 13 CON
Effect: When taking damage from anything reduce that damage by 5. This does not reduce the cost of activating Features that require HP loss.
I Can Take a Hit +
Prerequisites: 17 CON
Effect: When taking damage from anything reduce that damage by 10. This does not reduce the cost of activating Features that require HP loss. This Feature replaces I Can Take a Hit.
I Believe In You!
Prerequisites: 19 CHA
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Your Pokemon that just hit a target with a Move.
Effect: Your Pokemon deals an additional 1d6 during the Move’s damage for each point you have in CHA modifier. You may not use I Believe In You! With Moves that ignore weakness, resistances and stats. This may only be used once per Move.
I’ve Heard About This Place Before
Prerequisites: 12 INT
Target: A Town or City
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your WIS and INT modifiers. If you roll higher than 12, you know local lore, Gym specialties, major sights, and the names of important persons related to the town or city.
League Member
Prerequisites: 12 Badges OR Medals, Level 20, facilities (20,000 for Gym facility/40,000 for Frontier facility)
Effect: You take on the responsibilities of either a Frontier Brain or a Gym Leader, and you must accept challenges at least once a week. If you lose, you must give the victor a Frontier Medal if you are a brain, or a Gym badge if you are a leader. If you have 10 Badges you may become a Gym Leader, but you do not need to choose an elemental type. If you have 10 medals you may become a Frontier Brain. You don’t need to remain in your facility’s location to accept challenges, but you do need to let those at your facilities know where you are to forward challengers. Each week you are issued 2000 (for Leaders) or 4500(for Brains) for your services as a League Member and to create Medals/Badges, which can only be done at your facilities for 1050 (for
Leaders) or 2050 (for Brains). You are only paid weekly if you accept at least 3 challenges. You may not take League Member more then once, even if you have qualified for multiple positions. Add 2 to your CHA stat.
Let Me Help You With That
Prerequisites: Level 1
Daily – Every 4 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: An allied Trainer making a check.
Effect: The ally has +2 added to their check. A check is made while using a Feature.
Let Me Help You With That +
Prerequisites: Let Me Help You With That
Daily – Every 7 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: An allied Trainer making a check.
Effect: The ally has +5 added to their check. A check is made while using a Feature.
Let’s Get That Lock Open
Prerequisites: 15 INT
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A non-computerized lock.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your INT modifier. If the result is higher then 15, the lock is unlocked and is undamaged and doesn’t appear tampered with.
Look Out!
Prerequisites: 17 DEX
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Your Pokemon that was targeted by a Move.
Effect: Flip a coin until you flip tails. The foe must roll 1 higher during Accuracy Check to hit your Pokemon for each heads during the coin flips.
Prerequisites: 12 STR, 12 CON, 12 DEX, 12 INT, 12 WIS, 12 CHA
Effect: During encounters, you may perform 2 Trainer Actions per round. During a round in which you use Multitasking, you may not use the effects of Dual Wielding.
Not Yet!
Prerequisites: 17 CON
Trigger: Your Pokemon is lowered to 0 HP or less, but not greater then -100% HP.
Effect: Before fainting, the targeted Pokemon can make one last shift and Move and then immediately faints afterwards. This cannot be used with the Move Endeavor, Explosion, Flail, Pain Split, Reversal or Selfdestruct.
Random Knowledge
Prerequisites: 14 INT or 14 WIS
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Class Feature another time per day.
Target: Anything you have line of sight to, or an idea or phrase you just heard about from any source.
Effect: Roll d20 and add your INT and WIS modifiers to the roll. If you roll higher then 13, you know about the thing you targeted. If you are targeting a Pokemon, you must have targeted the Pokemon with a Pokedex.
Remedial First Aid
Prerequisites: 13 INT or 13 WIS
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A Trainer.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and Add your WIS or INT Modifier. Heal the target this much HP.
Satoshi’s Karma
Prerequisites: Satoshi’s Luck, released 3 fully-evolved, loyal Pokemon
Target: A roll.
Effect: You may re-roll a single die. This Feature replaces, Satoshi’s Luck.
Satoshi’s Luck
Prerequisites: released a fully-evolved, loyal Pokemon
Target: A roll.
Effect: At the cost of 15 HP, you may re-roll a single die. The 15 HP may not be reduced in any way.
Step Aside!
Prerequisites: Level 1
One Time Use Only – After taking the feature, you gain one additional use, per 10 levels gained afterwards.
Trigger: Your Pokemon is targeted by a Move or Trainer Attack.
Effect: Your Pokemon immediately Shifts. If it Shifts away from the targeted area, the Move or Trainer is avoided. If the target is unable to shift out of the way, it takes no damage from the Move or Trainer Attack. Only additional effects with the “Spirit Surge” keyword may activate, should the Accuracy Check permit.
Study Session
Prerequisites: Bought a book at least once.
Effect: You must buy a book at each Pokemart for 70 per town visited. If you don’t have 70 when you enter a town you have never visited, you lose this Feature and cannot get it back. Your Wisdom stat gains 1 point or your Intelligence stat gains 1 point. You may take the Study Session Feature multiple times. If you take this Feature multiple times, you still only need to spend 70 at a time.
Voltorb Flip
Prerequisites: 12 CON or 12 INT or 12 WIS
Trigger: A human or pokemon tries to pry into your mind to read it.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add either your CON, INT or WIS modifier to the roll. If the roll is 13 or higher, you begin to think of an elaborate game of Voltorb Flip. The person reading your mind cannot read anything other then the game of Voltorb Flip in your mind and all other thoughts, secrets and bits of knowledge are safe from the mind reader. If Voltorb Flip is successful, any attempts to read your mind are unsuccessful for the next hour.
What a Guy
Prerequisites: Donated to a charity at least once.
Effect: You must donate 70 to a Pokecenter per town visited. If you don’t have 70 when you enter a town you have never visited, you lose this Feature and cannot get it back. Your Charisma stat gains 1 point. You may take the What a Guy Feature multiple times. If you take this Feature multiple times, you still only need to donate 70 at a time.
Prerequisites: Exercised at least once.
Effect: You must exercise at least once every 3 days. A workout session should consume at least 30 minutes of time. While exercising you lose 25 HP. If you forget to exercise at least once every 3 days you lose Workout. Your Strength stat gains 1 point or your Constitution stat gains 1 point. You may take the Workout Feature multiple times. If you take this Feature multiple times, you still only lose 25 HP.
Yoga Break
Prerequisites: You practice Yoga.
Effect: You must practice yoga at least once every 3 days. A yoga session should consume at least 30 minutes of time. While exercising you lose 25 HP. If you forget to do yoga at least once every 3 days you lose Yoga Break. Your Dexterity stat gains 1 point. You may take the Yoga Break multiple times. If you take this Feature multiple times, you still only lose 25 HP.